Traditional system
'Professional fish pond builder' did the same system
After I move to USJ 1, where I have the luxury to have a bit more land, I engaged a so call popular fish pond builder to help me construct a fish pond in the ground. Though the fish pond is big (18' L x 4' w x 4' water level), he did the same system and suggested that the new pond's water need not be changed so regularly. He suggested that his system will work well.
Haven't been exposed to the larger system built by popular fish pond builder, I have given it a try with their idea. He basically adopted similar principle approach. The only different is he has built another pond for filtration purpose. A sketch is as shown below:

A better system is required
I begin to figure out this new idea and on 17 Sep 08, it is a public holiday and I have worked out a system as shown below:

The idea is actually very simple. I bought a 4' diameter poly-tank and make a hole at the bottom.

Water is then allowed to flow out from the tank and flow into the filter system at the lower portion. A simple fish net with fine hole is placed just right after the water outlet pipe to capture immediately all fish waste, decay food and other solid material.

Below is a short video clip of the swirling water condition inside the poly tank:
Note: the tank is quite dark because I have covered it with 2 plastic roof cover to prevent the fish from jumping out. Other reason is the system is placed indoor at the laundry area at the back of the house.
With this set up, I put in 30 tails of tilapia weighing about 200 grams.
Below is a list of observation notice which are quite interesting:
1. The water is clear until today (4 Oct 08). That means it has pass about 2 1/2 weeks and we don't need to change the water.
2. I do not notice any left over food, sediments, fish waste at the bottom of the tank. It seems all of them flowed out.
3. The fishes seems to be more active and hungrier than using the normal traditional system. Every time I open the cover, all of them will rush over waiting for food hungrily. The picture below shows it very clearly:

Water condition:
Out of curiousity, today (4 Oct 08) I did a sample test on the water's PH and ammonia content. Below is the result:

I got a shock really to see the result. PH looks OK but the ammonia content is very high. Strange enough is none of my fish die! The tilapia is really a tough fish.
I quickly took one set of sample from the big pond and here is the result:

Ammonia - 6 - 7 ppm
Well it looks like I need to do something about the water in the pond too.
Removing the sediments
Well, it is noticed that some sediments and waste has accumulated at the bottom of the 4' fibre tank, this may be due to the following reasons:
1. They are the run away waste through the overflow pipe. The inlet of the overflow pipe was not covered initially. I quickly covered it.
2. They developed from the water which flow out of the poly tank.
We changed the water at the 4' tank (reservoir) and clean up the sediments and immediately I took another set of sample:
PH - remain neutral, slight improvement
Ammonia - slightly better, still high
Waste needs to be disposed off immediately
It looks like the system is still not perfect yet. Although I can get rid of the waste and sediment accumulation in the fish area, they are still trap at the bottom reservoir and ammonia developed. The system need to be improve further to get rid of the waste and sediment on a regular basis and it ought to be a simple job to do!
Mosquito & sediment
On the other hand, although sediment is now remove from the fish tank area, but they were found at the lower tank and in the filter. This nitrat sediment and water attract mosquitoes to breed.
Another problem encoutered is the filter and the sediment pond if not clean up regularly, they will attract mosquito to breed. Some how rather the mosquitoes like this kind of environment. The good thing about this set up is when we change the water, the downflow pipe can be temporary locked up and the pump can be stopped. Changing of water in the sediment tank and cleaning of filter do not disturb the fishes at all. This is a very good advantage as compare to traditional system whereby all the fishes have to be remove first prior to changing water or cleaning up of the tank.
Close system
Well then, there are many solutions to mosquito and sediment. One of the easier way is to have a close system with cover. The cover is required for preventing mosquito from breeding inside. The design of the filter requires an paradigm shift also. A new design is being work on.
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